Whether you're work-from-home or have found yourself once again braving the office, millions of us communicate and coordinate with our colleagues with the help of Slack. The messaging platform has become such a core part of the workflow for so many of us, that we barely know what to do when Slack goes down. Unfortunately, Slack suffered an incident earlier today, where conversation threads failed to properly load.

Slack informed users that it became aware of a problem with threads this morning, shortly after 11am ET. Few public details were shared initially, and we observed the service failing to properly update its list of threads with new messages yet to be seen, leaving users unaware of recent changes.

Refreshing pages seemed to offer some measure of relief, but for hours Slack continued to report ongoing problems as in investigated the problem.

As of 12:45pm ET, Slack indicates that everything should be back to normal. The company doesn't offer any further insight into just what went wrong, and mentions that users should try a hard refresh if they're still seeing any lingering glitches.


Slack update

Slack reports that the incident is now resolved.