It's been a bumpy road, but artificial intelligence in image processing has been maturing — nice enough where decreasing power needs and advancing silicon can produce such a feature as the Magic Eraser on the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro.

Owners will be able to head into Google Photos after they've snapped a picture and remove distractions like people or power wires in the background.

A suggestion chip may appear if they're automatically detected. Otherwise, users can head into edit mode, open up the tools menu, and select Magic eraser.

The picture doesn't even need to be from a Pixel 6 — the pumpkin patch example is said to have been taken 20 years ago.

Google's Tensor chip will then predict and fill out what the picture would've looked like. It won't save pictures that are entirely blown, but this is plenty easier than manually pulling out the lasso and heal tools in your photo editor, right?

The feature will be available out of the box for Pixel 6 and 6 Pro buyers from October 28. It kinda feels like bets are off the table on whether older devices will get this in a Pixel Feature Drop, but never count any possibility out.