Linking your Android phone to your PC is super convenient. It cuts down on switching between devices and expands your workspace, making it much easier to access your email, files, and applications. It also keeps you connected to your social networks staying up-to-date on the latest news. So while the connection between the phone and the computer was already pretty tight, Microsoft says it's ready for that relationship to evolve even further.

In an announcement, Microsoft says that it is rebranding Your Phone as Phone Link, which means a new app interface with improved features. This change includes making notifications much more prominent and adding improved, tabbed navigation. The tech giant also says it improved the set-up process and that the next time Windows 11 updates, setting up Phone Link will be as simple as scanning a QR code. Microsoft also saw an opportunity to update the app's look to match Windows 11 and make it easier for customers to find the content they care about. Various design changes include more rounded corners and simplified icons.

Phone Link should be a good way for users to have a seamless phone-to-PC experience. By updating the app to match Windows 11, Microsoft believes users will have an even better experience with their devices. To connect your Android phone and Windows PC, check out Phone Link below.