The first Google Doodle this month celebrates the 82nd birthday of Gerald "Jerry" Lawson, the inventor of the game cartridge. While his creations never became commercial successes, the ideas he pioneered were used by companies like Atari to great success.

Today's Google Doodle lets you play five 2D games, and you can even create your own. Plus, you can swap between each title with ease, just like a game cartridge! Best of all, these five games can all be edited to your preferences, or you can start from scratch with a blank canvas. The whole thing uses 2D graphics paired with interchangeable objects, with different textures that can be swapped on a whim for a unique look.

Tap the pause button in the top right of the screen to give yourself a break. And give thanks to Jerry again when you do so, for he also invented that handy tool!

Game 1: Brick breaker


The first game available through today's Google Doodle is a classic brick breaker; smash all the bricks to win! It's pretty easy, so make sure to click the edit button in the top left of your screen to add more breakable bricks to ramp up the difficulty.

Game 2: Reach the flag (Retro theme)


The second game tasks you with reaching a flag, Mario style. But you've got enemies, blocks to move, and traps to avoid on your journey, mixing in some familiar Sokoban puzzling fun. But if you're feeling sneaky, you can click the edit button to delete the game's enemies to breeze through without complications.

Hop into edit mode and change the theme to play the same levels as different characters!

Game 3: Collect the coinsgoogle-doodle-jerry-3

This game is straightforward at first but requires that you control multiple characters at once to proceed. It's a nifty design that had me restart a couple of times to complete it, so it takes some thought to solve as you collect coins, thanks to its puzzle elements.

Game 4: Reach the flag (Cat theme)


Similar to the second game, the goal is to reach the flag to win. It's a different challenge compared to the first flag game despite the similar base mechanics. Also, if you hop into edit mode, try zooming out for a secret message.

Game 5: Reach the flag (Jerry theme)


In this game, you'll play as our hero, Jerry Lawson. This one has some tricky jumps along the way, so I, a dishonorable gamer at heart, added a portal to skip to the end. So if you're looking for a challenge, Reach the flag (Jerry theme) is the trickiest of the group.


A sneaky portal, perfect for writers in a hurry

Make your own game!


The final game on the list isn't a game; it's a blank canvas for you to make your own! You can duplicate an existing game or start from scratch by clicking the plus button. There are a few options available that were unused in the existing games, including top-down characters and portals. Once you've created a game, click the share button in the top right to send a link to your friends. So go ahead and give my maze a go, and then take a stab at making your own!