It doesn't help to have the best devices in the world if you don't know how to use the programs and apps on them to accomplish your goals. The best Chromebook, even if it's attached to an external monitor, or tablet in the world isn't going to know what you want from it. And when it comes to Google's office suite, there can be a bit of a learning curve when you first get into using it.

When you create a file in Google Docs (either from a blank page or using a template), the program drops the file in the root directory of your Google Drive storage. This approach is fine for those of us who only occasionally use Docs and don't need to navigate the Drive file system. However, if you care about organization, you'll want to take control.

How to create a folder in Google Docs for Android

To create a folder from Google Docs, you first need to have a document to put into the folder. Start by opening Google Docs and tapping the plus sign in the lower-right corner to create a new document. You can also open a document you already have in your Docs history or Google Drive.

Once you have a document open, follow these steps:

  1. If you created a new document, you must give it a name before you can create a folder for it. To name your document, tap the green checkmark in the upper-left corner of the screen to exit Edit mode, and then enter a name in the field that appears at the top of the screen.
  2. Once your document has a name, tap the three vertical dots in the upper-right corner of the screen to open the Options menu.
  3. In the Options menu, tap Move to open a pop-up displaying the locations where you can put a document or create a new folder.
  4. To create a new folder, navigate to where you want to put the folder and tap the Folder icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  5. In the New folder pop-up, enter a name for your new folder and tap Create to create and open the new folder.
  6. Once in the new folder, you can move the document to the folder by tapping Move in the lower-right corner of the screen.

You can also tap the three dots in the Docs document library and then tap Move from that options menu to skip to step 4.

After following these steps, your device puts you back in the Docs editor, and a small pop-up at the bottom of the screen confirms the document was moved. You'll find the folder in your Google Drive from any device that can access the service, as well as do anything you would normally be able to do with a regular Google Drive folder.

How to create a folder in Google Docs on desktop

To create a folder in Google Docs, you first need to open a document. To get started, navigate to Google Docs, log in, and open an existing or new document. To start a new document, click Blank or select a template from the available ones.

Once you have a document open, follow these steps to create a folder:

  1. Make sure the file you are editing has a name. If it does not have a name, give it a name by clicking the Title field and entering the desired name.
  2. Once your document is named, click File in the toolbar to show the File options drop-down.
  3. In the File drop-down, click Move to open the Move pop-up and start moving the file.
    google docs web editor with the file menu expanded and the move button highlighted
  4. In the Move pop-up, navigate to the parent folder where you want to create the new folder, and click the New Folder icon in the lower-left corner of the pop-up to create a new folder.
    google docs web editor with the move pop-up open and the new folder button highlighted
  5. The pop-up opens the new folder and gives you a chance to name it using the text field at the top of the pop-up. Name the new folder and click the checkmark to the right of the name field.
    google docs web editor with the move pop-up open and the new folder title field highlighted
  6. After naming your folder, click Move here if you want to move the document to the new folder, or click out of the pop-up if you don't want to move your document into the new folder.
    google docs web editor with a new folder pop-up open and the move here button highlighted

If you move the file to the new folder, you'll see a pop-up confirming the action was completed, and you can undo the action from the pop-up if you want. Even if you decide not to move the file into the new folder, the new folder is still created in Google Drive, so you can access it and use it as you please after you have created it.

google docs web editor open with a pop-up confirming a new folder was created and a file moved to the new folder

As with the mobile app, you can create a folder using an existing document without opening it, simply by clicking the three dots in the bottom corner of the preview icon in the Docs library and then clicking Move.

How to create a folder in Google Drive

Now, for the proper way to create a folder to use in Google Docs. Instead of going through Google Docs, the best way to create a folder is by logging in to Google Drive and creating one through the Drive web interface or mobile app.

Create a new folder in Google Drive on the web

  1. Log in to Google Drive and find the folder or directory where you want to create a new folder.
  2. Click the New button in the navigation panel on the left side of the screen.
    google drive web interface with the new button highlighted
  3. Click Folder.
    google drive desktop window with the new dropdown open and the folder option highlighted
  4. Give the folder a name using the pop-up that appears.
  5. Once you give the folder a name, click Create to confirm.
    A google drive new folder rename pop up window with the name field and the create button highlighted

Create a new folder in the Google Drive app for mobile

  1. Open the Google Drive app and find where you want to create the folder.
  2. Click the plus sign in the lower-right corner of the screen.
  3. In the pop-up that appears, tap Folder to start creating a new folder.
  4. Enter a name for your new folder.
  5. Once you have named your folder, click Create to finish creating your new folder.

Make good productivity habits

While the above workflows certainly work for creating a folder from Google Docs, it's quicker and easier to open Google Drive and create one from there, whether that's in a web browser or the Android app. Setting up good workflows for productivity is just one thing you can do to set yourself up for success. If you're looking to improve your productivity, there's a veritable treasure trove of incredible productivity apps that can help you do just that.