Google never rests when it comes to enhancing the navigation experience and feature set on Maps, bringing us recent additions like the ability to rewind time in Street View and estimate toll prices on planned routes. Maps isn't about to slow down now and is in the process of adding three big new features, so you won’t have trouble cycling, exploring famous landmarks, or coordinating gatherings this summer.

The new “photorealistic aerial views” are arguably the most stunning of Google's latest additions to Maps. They remind us of Google Earth and do a great job of giving you a bird's-eye view of close to 100 landmarks in metropolises including London, New York, Barcelona, San Francisco, and Tokyo. You might remember the immersive view for Maps Google shared at I/O 2022 — this is the first step towards realizing that goal.

Source: Google

Aerial views will be accessible under the Photos section for landmarks on Maps. The feature doesn’t seem to bring any new functionality to the app, but is a very cool addition, nonetheless.

Maps is also picking up some new tricks for cyclists — not a bad idea at all, since Google identifies a 40 percent uptick in cycling recently. Granular details for cycling routes, like the chance of encountering heavy car traffic and the type of road (main or by-lane) will give bike commuters more info before they head out. While planning the route, Maps already shows elevation changes along the way and can now warn about staircases and steep inclines too. Hopefully, this all means you won’t encounter trails that end up more challenging than you bargained for.

Finally, Google has added a nifty option to the location sharing menu on Maps. If a person is sharing their location with you, Maps now lets you set up notifications for when they reach a preset destination or a landmark close by. The person sharing their location will be informed when you set up such alerts. They will also be allowed to turn off location sharing and block anyone from configuring notifications. With this addition to Maps, you won’t have to check your phone constantly to know if a loved one has reached their destination.

Aerial views of landmarks and the enhanced location sharing notifications are already rolling out for Maps users on Android and iOS worldwide. However, Google says the cycling route planning features will be available “in the coming weeks.”



The original article incorrectly stated that information about changes in elevation for cycling routes were a new addition to Maps. Elevation changes have been accessible on Maps for years, and we have corrected the error.