Top Shot is one of the most useful Google Photos features, as it allows you to choose a better photo from a selection of similar images you've taken. It's been around since the Pixel 3 launched, and there's also a little suggestion chip that pops up to remind you to use it. It looks like that chip could be replaced by a new row of image previews, or at least that's what Google is currently testing on some users.

Our tipster sent us the below (left) screenshot from a Pixel 4 showing the new previews. For the rest of us, this suggestion still comes up with the text "Pick a better shot", so it doesn't look like this is rolling out widely just yet. Tapping the chip takes you to the Top Shot UI that lets you scroll through other images you may have taken with a burst or as part of a motion photo.

Left: New previews.  Right: Current suggestion chip.

While this may be a more visual representation of the feature, showing you that there are more similar photos you can use instead, I'd say it's slightly less obvious that Google thinks there's a better shot you should see. It looks more like the burst mode UI, which could be slightly confusing for some.

There's no telling whether Google will keep this new previews chip beyond testing it out, but keep an eye out for it in case it comes up for you. I also recall seeing "Swipe up for Top Shot" before, so it's possible there are a few different methods being tested at the same time.

Thanks: Ben Leonheart