Google Keep is great, and if you disagree, you're wrong. At this point I'm torn between my love for this basic but incredibly handy note-taking utility, and my terror that Google will yank it away in favor of refocusing on Tasks and making me update it solely via Assistant. I'm getting a little less nervous after seeing a new Keep feature pop up: background images!

This news comes from an Android Police reader who spotted a slight change to his Keep interface. Note the little artist's palette icon in the bottom-left of the second image below: that's the new home of Keep's background colors, and it comes with the option to add one of a very few images on top. The spaghetti background sent in by our tipster would obviously be ideal for a grocery list.

None of us at AP are seeing the new interface, even after downloading the very latest version of Keep from APK Mirror, so it looks like this is (say it with me now) another server-side test from Google. We can but hope that more users will see the background image feature come to their phones soon.

Thanks: Dan