While Samsung fans have had access to scrolling screenshots for years now, Pixel users have been waiting for Google to finally give us the goods. After an on-again, off-again test last year, today's Android 12 Beta 3 brings along scrolling screenshots as the marquee feature for this update. Unfortunately, it's still pretty limited at this stage.

Currently, taking a screenshot in Beta 3 on any scrollable page activates a "Capture more" icon. The app drawer is a perfect example, allowing you to select as much or as little of the page as you want. Once you've captured your screenshot, all you have to do is hit save; alternatively, you can head back to the markup tool to continue editing. So far, so good.

Unfortunately, once you enter an app, the odds of it working are mixed. Twitter and Google Messages handled it no problem, but if you try to take a scrolling screenshot in Chrome, the option to continue capturing doesn't appear. The same goes for Samsung Internet and Firefox — no browser I tested supported the option for longer screenshots.

Chrome is missing the "Capture more" option.

Thankfully, this should be fixed in time for Android 12's stable update later this year. In Google's blog post for today's release, it notes the feature only works on View-based UIs at the moment, with improvements — including web support — planned for Beta 4 and beyond. It's a bit of a bummer to keep waiting for the full launch of a long-awaited feature like this, but at least we know additional support is on its way.