One of my favorite games of the last two years is free for a limited time over at Epic Games. The award-winning Control is too good to spoil with an overly detailed introduction, but it's a third-person action-adventure title with fantastic controls, great design, and superb art direction. It's basically SCP: The Game, and you shouldn't miss it, especially while it's free.

I am usually a little late to the party when it comes to games — I don't have a ton of time to play them anymore, so I wait for the judgment of my betters and snag only the best. After everyone (including AP's David Ruddock) raved about how good Control was, I decided it was worth carving out a bit of time for, and I'm glad I did. It's easily one of the best games I've played in the last two years and probably the single best title that I played last year outside Noita (which I'm still obsessed with).

Since it came out in 2019, Control has snagged some 19+ awards, though I maintain it was robbed of its game of the year right at most venues. And now, it's free over at the Epic Store, timed perfectly for a bit of summer fun.

As with all of Epic's timed free game promotions, it will be free for the next week, until June 17th. That leaves you a bit of time to decide — if, somehow, you might think it isn't worth the (again, free) cost. And the expansions and season pass (which is both in one) are half-off for $5 and $7.49, too.

Source: Epic Store