Google's office suite is among the best when it comes to collaboration, but there are always things that can be improved. As such, Google Sheets is in for a new commenting and discussion interface that lives in a sidebar of its own, complete with filters and search tools.

The new look replaces the floating menu of old, which disappears as soon as you start interacting with a spreadsheet. The new sidebar instead stays visible indefinitely once you open it, so you can use it as a reference as you work on your spreadsheet. It can be accessed via the comments icon in the top right corner of the Sheets interface.

Above: The current comment look. Below: The new version.

The new sidebar also comes with filters, allowing you to see only open or resolved comments or those addressed specifically to you. You can also limit comment visibility to the current sheet only.

If you prefer to look at comments in-line, right next to the fields they refer to, you'll now also be able to move back and forth between individual comments via two new navigation buttons.

The new comments look is starting to roll out today and should reach everyone over the next two weeks, so if you still have the old look, be sure to check back later. While Google Docs doesn't offer a full sidebar experience like the one here yet, it already features similar filters in its drop-down menu.