The Google Chrome browser on desktop debuted a feature called Secure DNS a few months ago with version 85, and now the Android app is catching up. With Chrome 85, Google is extending support to the mobile app so users can get additional peace of mind while surfing the web.

Chrome for Android will automatically switch over to DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) so long as your service provider supports it. This more secure protocol encrypts DNS communications which protects users against attackers who previously used DNS to observe browsing habits. DoH in Chrome will be rolled out in stages to Android users so Google can ensure it works properly. Most people probably won't even notice the difference when it does change over, but you'll be better protected, so be thankful for that.

If you use a private DNS (DNS-over-TLS), this will also apply, although Chrome will fall back to regular DNS to avoid loss of service. Manual configuration options are also available, so you can personalize the settings or disable it altogether if you wish. IT administrators should note that Chrome will disable Secure DNS if enterprise policies are detected, but Google will provide documentation on how to deploy it for business users.

Source: Chromium Blog