When the developer preview of Android 11 launched earlier this year, it included a hidden gesture that let users tap on the back of the phone to take screenshots. The gesture expanded to trigger additional functionality in later developer previews, but it has been completely removed from the recent beta releases. All is not lost though, as the "Tap, Tap" app has just added support for Tasker, which brings the back-tap gesture to many Android devices.

Tap, Tap is an app created by developer Kieron Quinn that takes advantage of the same machine learning code and TensorFlow models that Google used when testing the feature in early builds of Android 11. Now Quinn and Tasker developer João Dias have integrated the ability to use the app (and the rear tap gesture) to trigger an event in Tasker. Since Tasker opens up near limitless possibilities for automation, this adds a powerful level of customizability that far surpasses Google's own experiment.

Here's a demo showing off some of the capabilities Tap, Tap and Tasker bring together.

Tasker changed hands back in 2018, but it's been known as the go-to tool for adding customized actions and automation in Android for the last decade. To use "Tap, Tap" to trigger functionality in Tasker, just download the latest release here and make sure that the action is set to trigger the Tasker plugin. Of course, this is still a work in progress and your mileage may vary. Regardless, this is a super cool project that shows off the benefits of Android's openness and the features that the community can unlock when working together.

Source: /u/joaomgcd