When it comes to setting up a smart home infrastructure, there's a bunch of brands to chose from. If you have a tendency to trust major ones more than unknown manufacturers, you'd be happy to know Belkin's Wemo WiFi smart plug, which was announced at CES earlier this year, is now available for sale.

The product's compact design allows it to fit into any electrical outlet while leaving the other ones free. It's compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Apple HomeKit, and also comes with advanced scheduling features, which can even be synced up with sunset. For added peace of mind, the Away mode can automatically turn the plugs on and off at random times. The device is rated at 15A, which is enough for TVs, heaters, fans, and other high-power devices.

The Wemo WiFi Smart Plug is now available online, selling at $25 a piece at Belkin.com, but you're better off getting three from BestBuy for just $50.

Buy: Belkin, Best Buy