Google has introduced new U.S. English voices for Assistant Actions, Female 3 and Male 3. The company suggests that developers use these voices as they are the highest quality options it has offered for the dialect to date.

Previously, Actions developers also gained alternate text-to-speech voices in five dialects that they can utilize in their Actions. These voices are on top of what used to be the only options for that dialect and gender.

They are:

  • Chinese (Traditional) Male 2
  • English-Indian Female 2
  • Hindi Female 2
  • Hindi Male 2
  • Italian Female 2
  • Italian Male 2
  • Indonesian Female 2

For end users, these Actions voices will differ (in some cases, just slightly) to the voice you've chosen for your general Google Assistant experience to clarify when you're using an Action. If you incorporate a bunch of Actions into your routine, you may start to hear more of them.

You can head to the source page below and take a listen to some samples from each of the new voices.

Source: Google