Brave may not have the best reputation following referral code injections and its founder's history as the disgraced Mozilla CEO, but it does have a unique approach to ad-blocking without completely cutting off websites from monetization, which you might enjoy. Since the software is based on Chromium, it follows comparable development cycles and comes in similar flavors as Chrome does: Stable, Beta, Dev, and Nightly. Brave Stable and Beta have been available on the Play Store for a long time already, and now the Nightly variant joins them.

Just like Chrome Canary, Nightly is updated every night (hence the name) and represents the cutting edge of the browser's development. It could contain bugs that result in data loss, and it automatically sends crash reports to help developers fix these problems. It's great for folks who want to see where the software is headed, but it shouldn't be used as a daily driver.

Previously, you had to head to Github for the latest releases and pick the right variant for your device manually. The Play Store automizes this process and even allows for incremental updates, meaning that you won't have download a full 100-200MB APK for every minor change. It also helps you stay up to date without checking Github every day.

You can get the latest Nightly from the widget below.

Brave Browser (Nightly) Developer: Brave Software
Price: Free