Todoist is one of the leading task management apps on the market. It's full of features and easy to use. However, competition is fierce, and while many other solutions offer the option to manage tasks visually with a calendar view, Todoist has been behind on this feature. Thankfully, it's now receiving new ways to see items at a glance and plan for them more efficiently.

This was one of the most requested features, so developers obliged. The idea is to make it simpler to see when you should work on a task. The upcoming view lets you see your whole week at a glance for easier planning, together with a built-in calendar feature that makes organization a breeze. If you want to move tasks around, you can simply drag and drop them, instead of manually having to change their due date.

Even though this may not seem like a major improvement, it makes task management easier for Todoist users, and also brings the app on par with the competition. The feature should be rolling out to all users today, so make sure you update your app through the Play Store to get it.