2019 is winding down, and at the end of this year, we'd like to do things a little differently. In addition to our own upcoming editor-selected phone of the year, we'd like to see you, our readers, chime in when it comes to the subject. But before we put it to a vote, I'd like us to assemble a list of candidates for our readers' choice awards together.

This is the first time we're doing things this way, and to start, we're replacing this weekend's poll with a discussion instead. Because I'm not sure it would be entirely fair to have you all just vote from a list the editors assemble, and because a list of literally every phone released this year would be ridiculous, we're going to let our readers nominate the phones that will appear on a future poll. That way, if something caught your collective eye in a way that it didn't catch ours, it might still secure a place in the list.

To keep this nomination process as smooth as it can be (possibly a forlorn hope), we'll be using our comments system just below. Top-level comments should be an easily parsed nomination for a given phone name from 2019, and any that aren't will be disregarded from inclusion in the final future vote. Please check to see if your favorite phone is already included on the list before making a new top-level comment, or you risk diluting your vote between duplicate items. (Up)vote for as many phones as you'd like to see on the final ballot. Sometime in the coming days, we'll grab an as-yet-undetermined number of the top-voted options for the final readers' choice poll. We'll try to be hands-off, but the ultimate list may also be subject to some curation by the editors.

This is probably obvious, but understand that you're free to select phones based on your own motivation. They don't necessarily have to be mainstream or the most expensive devices, just whatever you consider to be phone-of-the-year worthy, in your opinion.

I imagine this will be messy, and we might not do it again if it goes too poorly. But ultimately, you'll be able to vote in an upcoming readers' choice poll from a list that you all collectively assembled, rather than us. Ah, democracy.