Continued Conversation lets you reply to Assistant after it answers you, without having to repeat "OK Google" every time. For instance, after asking it for the weather, you can respond to your smart speaker with another command such as "How about tomorrow?" Until recently, the feature only supported US English, but the company has now made it available to all English users.

Indeed, people using UK English can now have back-and-forth chats with their Google Homes, should they chose to enable the feature. When turning Continued Conversation on, the device will keep listening to you for a few seconds after it talks back, so you can ask further questions without repeating the action word. In most cases, you won't have anything to respond, so the speaker will know you're done talking to it and ignore speech that isn't directed to it.

The company hasn't announced support for further languages, but our recent teardown of the Google app seemed to indicate German is coming soon. We'll keep you posted when new ones available.

Source: Google

Thanks: Tom Erlandsen, Zachary Kew-Denniss, and Paul