Playboard, the Google Play Store and Apple App Store aggregator with various channels and lists, has announced it will be discontinued at the beginning of February 2017 (i.e. any time now), in lieu of a new company, 42matters, taking its place.

Many pages on the Playboard website 404, with most channels for various apps and games not being found. Other pages redirect to the new website of 42matters, the successor company, which is focusing on app market analytics, mobile app data, and APIs. The site and service has been used by many websites since its inception, not least by the team here at Android Police, for weekly app roundups and widgets. We'll be sad to see it go.

There's no specific date set for Playboard's final demise, but as channels appear to have been taken offline, it probably won't be long until it disappears for good. Farewell, Playboard - it's been great.

Thanks: Marko Š