The Nextbit Robin is a solid phone, especially with the new lower price and a recent software update that improved the camera. According to a Nextbit announcement post with the charming title "Damn, Nextbit. At it again," a software update in Q4 of this year will make your battery last significantly longer. How? Nextbit isn't saying.

The post is a few paragraphs long, but most of that is a rather breathless explanation of how smart and innovative Nextbit is (it reads like something OnePlus would write). It talks up the Smart Storage system that offloads your apps to the cloud to save space. It is this sort of innovation (allegedly) that will allow Nextbit to advance battery life. Let's forget for a moment that Smart Storage is kind of clunky at times.

Nextbit does not offer any specific details of the update, except to say the OS will get to know your habits and optimize at the system level. Apparently, this can happen on top of Android without interfering with Doze Mode's process management. Nextbit sure is talking a big game, so I suppose this is something for Robin owners to look forward to.

Source: Nextbit