When it comes to podcast applications, we often talk about Pocket Casts and BeyondPod here on Android Police, but one of the unsung heroes of the category is Player FM. The free app has over 1M downloads on the Play Store, a web client, Google+ sign in, and a lot of cool features to keep podcast fans happy. It's usually my first recommendation as a free podcast client, especially for those who are new to the medium and want to see what it's all about.

With version 3.1, Player FM is getting some much needed features for hardcore podcast listeners and a few visual tweaks that are sure to please everyone. If you have an AMOLED device or if you prefer darker apps, Player FM will now let you pick a dark or a fully black theme instead of the default white one.

Left: Dark theme Right: Black theme

In the side menu, there's a Downloaded only toggle that's reminiscent of Google Play Music. Flip it on and you'll only see the episodes that are already saved to your device. That declutters your interface, especially if you are offline, on a limited connection, or you just don't want to stream anything right now.

Subscriptions can also be sorted by title, newest, newest unplayed, or oldest. And the apps catalog is now available in Japanese, in addition to the previous English, Spanish, German, Italian, and Russian languages.

The update is live in the Play Store, but the changelog hasn't been changed yet to reflect the new features. Grab it for free from the link below.