Lonely Planet is known by travelers all around the world for its small travel tip booklets that cover many cities and destinations, using experts and local guides to gather the best advice about each location. After what seemed like an eternity with half-hearted mobile apps, Lonely Planet is finally ready to make the big leap over to your smartphone. The app is now available for both Android and iOS and for a first version, it's a thing of beauty.

Lonely Planet uses a white background and theme throughout the entire app, making every photo and detail pop on the screen. The app starts with a list of supported city guides which are somewhere in the high thirties now. More are promised to come soon. After choosing a city, you can quickly discover categories of things to do in it, view the map (offline too), and read a basic overview of its history and charm, written by a local guide.

Categories and searches can be filtered too, a currency converter is included, and different budget plans are explained to help you decide how much you're willing to spend and on what. Each place has a short description with a photo, phone number, website, and location, and can be bookmarked for easy access. It's all well done and simple enough to use.

Guides by Lonely Planet is free and all city guides seem to be free for now. Grab your ticket and start the tour at the Play Store link below.

Source: Lonely Planet Guides