Dropbox doesn't just make syncing and backing up files easier done than said, it serves as a great way to collaborate on projects too. But managing shared folders and permissions isn't as simple as dragging files into a folder and watching them fly off into the sky (that's how the cloud metaphor works, right?). To address this, Dropbox has unveiled a new feature to simplify life for teams.

A new Teams folder lets everyone store files in a single place. The content here is automatically accessible to every member, making it easier to exchange files.

Dropbox has included the option to divide teams into groups, speeding up the process of sharing files with specific people. The service will also let users have separate accounts for personal and work files, which they can switch between with a simple toggle.

The features are all making their way to Basic and Pro users on mobile, desktop, and the web over the course of the next week.

Source: Dropbox Blog