From time to time Google offers free music and movies via the Play Store. Today is one of those times, because it's the third anniversary of the Play Store launch (and, incidentally, the death of the former Android Market). Customers in the US can get a free Coldplay album, and now they can also grab an HD copy of the Transformers movie for free!

No, not the real Transformers movie, the animated one from 1986. Google is giving away 2007 live-action movie, directed by Michael Bay and starring Shia LaBeouf. You know, the one that's held up as one of the worst examples of mindless Hollywood summer blockbusters, its awfulness surpassed only by its even more mindless sequels. The one that's continuing a barely-defensible streak of nostalgia revival movies based on every former kids series that Hollywood can find in its collective attic, leading to the inevitable conclusion of a revival of The Snorks in 2019. That Transformers.

But it's not nice to look a gift horse in the mouth, or a gift giant robot in its completely unnecessary lip-flap. Just click the "free" button on the Play Store page and it will complete a transaction of $0, allowing your account access to the movie on the web, Android, Android TV, and anywhere else Google Play Movies are supported. Google is offering other free movies in other countries; we've been tipped that The Fast and the Furious is free in Australia, and the Ricky Gervais comedy The Invention of Lying is free in Italy. (Those lucky Italians - it's a better movie than both of the other ones!)

We can't check every territory and country for Google's free giveaways, so the best way to find out what (or if) your free movie is, is simply to open this address and look for the promotional message:

Source: Google Play Store