Paying bills is a monthly burden that doesn't need any help whatsoever with being a pain in the rear. But living with roommates can amplify the difficulty. You have to track them down (if they're not particularly responsible) or deal with the unpleasant task of asking in the first place (even if they are). Unbill is a new Android app that seeks to erase both of these issues.

Unbill, which is invite-only and currently limited to Eugene, Oregon (hey, at least it's not San Francisco), splits bills and does the math, alerting each user how much they owe and when. Recipients can then pay using the app. After that, everyone closes it as quickly as possible and goes back to doing more pleasant things.

Comfy, Unbill's developer, has worked with apartment complexes, universities, and utility providers around the University of Oregon to get things rolling. It will have to work with the same institutions in other markets before it can expand to different parts of the country.

In the meantime, there's that one guy who's still ignoring his phone's alerts. It's $24, dude. Come on, pay up.