Circle is an app you can use to manage bitcoin, assuming, you know, that you're into Magic Internet Money. The latest update adds Android Wear support, which gives you the option of generating a QR code to use as an address for receiving byte-sized moolah or simply keeping an eye on bitcoin's going rate at the moment.

This update also adds NFC support, so you can use the app to transfer bitcoin by tapping your phone against something it plays along with, just in case paying using Google Wallet doesn't provide enough nerd cred.

All half-joking aside, there's reason to be interested in decentralized digital currency. With a sleek Android app and Wear support, this continues to look about as pretty a way to manage your bitcoin as any.

What's new:

  • Now you can can receive bitcoins and check the price from Android Wear
  • Most rooted users can now enable long sessions when signing in
  • Fixed bug where amount field was not properly filling when scanning a QR code with an amount

Source: Circle blog, Circle Engineering