Last month Qualcomm released the SDK for its Toq smartwatch, inviting developers to create much needed apps for the device. Unsurprisingly, software hasn't exactly flooded in. Nevertheless, the Toq has just scored its largest win yet - the latest Augmented SmartWatch Pro update adds support for Qualcomm's wristwatch.

Primary features center around real-time alerts. Here are some fuzzy screens showing a Fitbit card and a weather alert.

The app also supports up to three Tasker tasks, with opening the card serving as the trigger.

However, the SDK limits how much Augmented SmartWatch Pro can do. It does not allow third-party developers to modify watchfaces, for example. For a more detailed overview, hit up the developer's blog post.

Augmented SmartWatch Pro, which also greatly enhances how much information you can cram into a Sony SmartWatch or a Pebble, usually goes for $5.22. If you rather experience a free trial on the Toq beforehand, you can do so here.


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