A few weeks ago, Google released a cool new way to consume content on mobile devices called Currents. For those who are unaware, Currents takes your favorite websites and transforms them into digital magazines (granted that the site has its own Currents edition). Well, now you can keep up with everything going on here at AP on Currents.

Finding us on Currents is easy; there are two ways of going about it.

If you're already reading this on your mobile (and you have Currents installed) open this link in the stock browser. It will not work correctly if you attempt to open it with any other browser. Simple enough, right?

Update: You can now find us in the Science & Tech category, as well.

You can also search for us directly within the Currents application. It's slightly confusing, so here's a handy screenshot tutorial on how to do it.

From the main screen, hit the "Add more" button and tap "search."

Once the search box pops up, type in Android Police and tap enter - we should be the first result.

A quick tap on "Add for free," and that's it!

It's worth noting that we're also working on getting into the Featured section, which should make finding us even easier. Enjoy!