Combining physics-based gameplay with outer space action/strategy combat, Space Conquest challenges the player to "save the solar system from complete annihilation."



The game provides players with a wide array of unlockable ships, each with their own arsenal. The game also allows for completely customizable fleets, each battling enemies with relatively sophisticated AI, against a backdrop of large swaths of stars and other outer space scenery. In contrast with the detailed, beautiful starscapes in Space Conquest, the ships themselves are comprised of neon, polygonal outlines, giving the game a unique visual style.

For just $0.99 in the Android Market, Space Conquest provides a visually stimulating experience while forming an intriguing hybrid between defense, action, and physics-based gaming styles at a bargain. It's worth noting, however, that Space Conquest comes in a whopping 94MB download. That being said, the game is definitely worth checking out, for those who have plenty of extra storage space.