Dissidia Final Fantasy Omnia just came out of pre-registration and is officially available on the Play Store. It is a free-to-play gacha RPG that has centered its theme around the Playstation Portable's series of Dissidia Final Fantasy games. Unlike the original PSP titles (and the new PS4 title), the gameplay is turn-based, though it does use the familiar Brave/HP offense/defense system just like the originals.

What is most notable about Dissidia Final Fantasy Omnia is the fact that there is no PvP, no timers, and no stamina system. So despite the fact that this is an FTP gacha RPG with plenty of in-app purchases that range up to $74.99 per item, there should be little reason to worry about any pay-to-win shenanigans. Sure, players can still spend a bunch of their money to get a jump over those that play for free, but at the very least it won't affect anyone else's enjoyment of the title. Heck, those that pay into the game will actually be a big help to free players thanks to the fact that the multiplayer aspect is cooperative.

For the most part, the gameplay works the same as any turn-based RPG. Your team of heroes will have a selection of moves, some that will break your enemies defensive abilities, and some that will do more damage to HP while your enemies defenses are depleted. It takes a minute to get this system of switching from offensive to defensive attacks down if you have never played a Dissidia game before, but once you do it should be smooth sailing.

So yeah, there you have it. If you are looking for a new turn-based RPG to play through, one that has a pleasant cooperative setup, Dissidia Final Fantasy Omnia actually appears to be a solid choice. Free players can simply ignore the numerous IAPs since they don't really affect them, and those that want to spend their money on IAPs can do so freely without it bothering anyone else. This seems like a win-win to me. Who would have thought Square Enix had it in them?