Some of you may remember Facebook Marketplace. If you don't, it's basically a Craigslist-like service inside Facebook to buy and sell things in your area. It looks and behaves pretty much like every other Craigslist clone, even down to the unrealistic expectations on abused or dated goods. And now 17 more countries across Europe can get in on the badly-priced fun. 

Facebook Marketplace showed up on Android back in 2016, technically just before it had been officially announced. It isn't just for the Facebook app, though. Like most things by the big blue social giant, you can access it via the Facebook site, too.

The countries added to Facebook Marketplace are Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. For comparison, it was already available in Australia, Canada, Chile, Mexico, New Zealand, and the UK.

Now people in Europe can enjoy seeing all those amazing deals they've been missing out on. Is that a Core 2 Duo with a 9500 GT for just $2,000? What a steal. It's even got 2GB DDR2 RAM, that's basically future-proof.

Source: Facebook