If you've been out of the loop, Mozilla is hyping the upcoming Firefox 57 update, scheduled to arrive in November of this year. It will include a new interface (nicknamed 'Photon') across desktop and mobile, as well as the first stages of Project Quantum to improve performance. Firefox 57 will also remove support for legacy (XUL-based) add-ons, a move that isn't popular with all users.

The new Photon UI has finally landed in Firefox Nightly on Android, and it looks pretty great. The gradients and orange highlights are gone, replaced by a minimalist white interface with blue highlights.

Firefox 54 (current stable release)

Firefox Nightly 57

Even though it looks very sleek, I wouldn't mind a bit more color, especially on the address bar. It's also still a work-in-progress, as a few elements haven't switched over to the new design. Still, I look forward to seeing the finished result. If you want to try it out for yourself, you can download Firefox Nightly from the Play Store below.

Source: Firefox Nightly (Twitter)