So many TV shows, so little time. And why does it have to be so incredibly difficult to choose a show and an episode to watch? Why do services expect you to know what you want to see, instead of throwing stuff at your screen and hoping you'll be hooked. Like... a regular TV. We've gone full circle people, and it turns out our old ways weren't that bad.

Random Flix makes this decision for you. It can pick a random episode from all of Netflix' TV shows or from a list of your favorite shows. It doesn't require a sign-in, it's just going through a public database of available Netflix shows and choosing stuff for you. Once an episode is picked, you can tap to view that in the Netflix app.

It's incredibly simple and does just what it says it'll do. So if you're often overwhelmed by too many choices or you find that you've started looking at your Netflix watchlist like a to-do list and losing sight of the fun side of it, you might like Random Flix' approach.