maj po, Android Police.

tu'lu' buy' ngop DaHjaj.

tlhIngan yIjatlh microsoft Translator DaH.

Bing rur.

tlhIngan Hov trek Hol.

tlhIngan moj English Hol.

qaStaHvIS Play Store.


nI'jaj yInraj 'ej bIchepjaj.


· Expanded support for Arabic language in conversation mode, and as a downloadable package to use offline

· Added support for Klingon language

· Bug fixes

Alternate title: That Article That Took Me 2 Hours To Finish Because Klingon Doesn't Translate Well Back To English While Artem Lamented The Dozens Of Pending Android N Posts To Be Written.

Alternate title 2: screwed jIH.