Google is always making little tweaks to its apps, and now you can get an early look at some of those tweaks by beta testing the Google app. That's the one that powers the Now Launcher, Google Now cards, Now On Tap, and more. Just a few clicks and you're in the exclusive beta testing club. There's not much to see yet, but who knows what the future holds?

This is a standard Play Store beta test without the G+ community tie-in. Just hit the link below and click the button to become a tester. After that, your devices will automatically update to the newest version of the Google app. My phone jumped from a v5.3 build to v5.4, which we've already got on APK Mirror. So there's nothing super-secret happening in the beta channel yet.

Presumably Google will start pushing true beta builds soon. Google is not known for posting detailed app changelogs, so we might not realize right away when something big happens, but there could be some cool stuff. Why not join and find out?

Source: Google App Beta