Boy did those poor green robots not learn their lesson from trying to escape the deathly grip of lollipops or what! Not only are they back, stupidly hoping for another outcome with the new marshmallow monsters, but they brought along friends for the ride. As if seeing one green robot collapse on the floor, hit its head on the ceiling, or tumble to its demise on a killer 'shmallow wasn't enough, now you gotta endure the sight of five more equally innocent but differently colored Androids do just the same. This easter egg is all kinds of evil, just like we predicted from that one screenshot we saw last month.

To participate in this mass murder crime, you go to your device's Settings, hit the About section, tap repeatedly on the Android version field until you see the M logo. Then you tap a few times on that and hold to unlock the easter egg. Right then, you're greeted with the score card for your current Android on top of the screen, with a + sign next to it. That lets you add up to five more players, for a total of 6 cheerfully oblivious bouncing robots.

That's when things get cray-cray. Whether you're playing alone with multiple fingers (no puns intended) or you have friends furiously tapping at the same screen with you, you'll see same-color touch feedback for each Android. Scores are tallied separately, so you may think you have a higher chance of getting one or two poor robots through a few marshmallow gates before you lose all of them.

But odds are you'll end up just like this...

He's dead Jim.

Thanks: +FelixMatthies