An update has rolled out to the Pandora Android app that builds upon what made the Internet radio service popular to begin with - making it easier to discover new music. To this day, Pandora still has an uncanny way of serving out songs that fit a listener's tastes precisely, especially for those who have been tweaking their stations for years. But we are all creatures of habit, and it can be easy to still fall into a rut even with Pandora's helping hand. The newest update addresses this by providing up to six suggested artist stations to add to your lists.

These new recommendations will appear at the bottom of the screen whenever you're creating a new station. They also make an appearance at the bottom of your station list, where their presence might be what spawns you to create a new one in the first place. Your list of suggestions will be refreshed whenever a new station is created or removed, as Pandora uses these changes to learn more about your tastes.

This addition may just be the jump start long-time users need to spice up their routines, and it could help further immerse new users after they've already exhausted Pandora with their eclectic obsession with the Beatles and Mariah Carey.


Source: Pandora