Hard to believe, but 2013 is drawing to a close. And with the end of the year comes that same arbitrary question we ask in so many consumer product segments: who did it best? This is a hard question to answer in a truly objective sense, so that's why we're leaving the voting to you.

We've tried to whittle down the list of devices to the major, high-end (and high-profile) Android releases in the current calendar year, though undoubtedly some of you won't find the answer you're looking for in that list. If that's the case, select "other" and let your voice be heard in the comments section.

If there's an option you think is truly obvious (please consider that statement carefully) that is not present on our list, you can request it be added. Please remember, though, that we want the list to be manageable and the results readable, so an option that realistically isn't going to get over 50 votes probably isn't worth the additional clutter.

With that said, let the voting commence!