While nothing has been officially announced just yet, it seems all but certain that CyanogenMod will be coming to Oppo's new smartphone, the N1, as an officially supported alternative to the company's own custom software layer. I can indeed confirm that something CM-related is happening, because Steve Kondik is here in Beijing for the event (as am I!), which will be happening later tonight (more around very early morning in America).

A couple of days ago, we received pretty extensive details that allegedly give much more insight into just how this Oppo-Cyanogen arrangement will work, and the gist is that Oppo will officially support and possibly ship phones with stable CyanogenMod builds, and that the CM team will be responsible for updating and maintaining the software on those devices. Oppo will even honor warranties on these phones, though that protection may go out the window if you choose to start flashing nightlies or other non-stable builds.

It's certainly an interesting idea. But is it enough to make you want this phone, sight yet unseen?