You know how it goes. You're sitting back in your recliner, watching your numerous security feeds, monitoring your piles and piles of cheese, when suddenly, the mice sneak in to steal all your Pepperjack and Gorgonzola! How dairy they! Also, you're a cat. That's the premise of Cheese Tower, a puzzle game that challenges you to remove square mice from a stack of square cheese without dropping any cheese.

Tapping the mice will make them disappear, causing the tower to begin to fall. Of course, we don't want to lose that precious cheese, now do we? Our hero curd be a bit more careful. Your goal is to get rid of all the mice without losing any of the cheese off the edge of the platform. You have parmession to lose two pieces of cheese, but not three. Three is right out.

If you're still feeling some residual Valentine's Day bleus, or you're just looking to provel your intelligence with a fun puzzle, teleme this doesn't sound right up your alley. It' goud.